US Senators should stop playing politics with America’s hungry children

The recent surge of COVID-19 cases, coupled with the looming expiration of federal benefits programs, mean many families are worried about the future.
Common Threads Co-Founder & CEO Linda Novick O’Keefe shared her perspective on how we can best help the millions of families who are struggling in this opinion article in The Miami Herald. Advocating that healthy, nutritious food is a foundational need for families across the country, Novick O’Keefe asks our lawmakers to embrace enhancements to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), commonly known as “food stamps.” For generations, this program has enjoyed bipartisan support, helping families put food table while also fueling economic growth and recovery.
Unfortunately, politics has gotten in the way of recent improvements to SNAP. Two recent bills, including the Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions (HEROES) Act and the Expanding SNAP Options Act from Illinois Sens. Tammy Duckworth and Dick Durbin, contain enhancements to the SNAP program that would immediately help families as they face continued unemployment and lost meals.