

Tips for Healthy Grocery Shopping on a Budget

Tips for Healthy Grocery Shopping on a Budget

Wondering why the food prices at your local grocery store have increased so much? Of course, one answer is that this is simply the result of inflation. However, that is not the entire reason. Learn what is really going on and how you can continue to prioritize your health in this new economy.

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How to Keep your Kids Busy & Healthy this Summer

How to Keep your Kids Busy & Healthy this Summer

The summer is a great time to involve your children in the kitchen. New flavors and textures can give children a way to explore food while expanding their palates and exposing them to new foods and cooking skills. There are a multitude of ways to instill a love for food and foster creativity. Keep your children busy, engaged, and excited about cooking with these simple and fun food-related activities.

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Transforming Health and Food Practices Across the Nation

Transforming Health and Food Practices Across the Nation

Imagine a world where every child grows up understanding the vital connection between the food they eat and their overall health. A world where no child goes to bed hungry and everyone has equal access to the nutritious, culturally appropriate food they need to thrive. This does not need to be merely a dream, but rather a reality within reach. It’s a journey that unites the sometimes disconnected worlds of hunger, proper nutrition, and health. Read more.

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Why You Should Eat In-Season Produce this Summer

Why You Should Eat In-Season Produce this Summer

It is officially Summer and while the first thing many think of is no school, hot weather, and the beach, we should also think about the in-season food! Beginning from June until August right now is the time to enjoy the freshness of certain fruits and vegetables. Eating in-season produce is relatively more inexpensive, easier to find, and -contains more nutrients, providing a richer flavor. Read more on why it matters and how the small shift can benefit you and your family.

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Tips & Tricks to Stay Hydrated This Summer

Tips & Tricks to Stay Hydrated This Summer

Water is the most important nutrient for your body. About 70% of our bodies are made up of water, so it’s important to make sure we are staying hydrated throughout the day! Drinking enough water will support your immune system, promote healthy digestion, and provide the hydration you need to stay physically active.

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Tips on How to Keep your Culture Alive in your Household

Tips on How to Keep your Culture Alive in your Household

Growing up as a first generation Vietnamese American, I can vividly recall my parents struggling with the delicate balance of assimilating to American culture while keeping our Vietnamese roots, language and customs alive after immigrating to the U.S. from Vietnam. Today as an adult with kids of my own, I’m finding that I am experiencing a similar struggle of wanting to pass on our rich culture to my kids while celebrating the melting pot of cultures, foods and traditions we find in our vibrant home city of Houston, Texas. Read more for tips and tricks on keeping your culture strong!

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Spring into Action! How Local Farms Benefit the Environment and Communities

Spring into Action! How Local Farms Benefit the Environment and Communities

It is spring and that means that the produce aisle is beginning to change with the season. This seasonal change is the most visible at your local farmers market. Unlike large scale grocery stores, local farms are not trying to provide a consistent set of offerings across the entire year, but are instead focusing on listening and responding to the environment as the seasons change. Read more about how local farms provide a unique and valuable resource to your community.

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The Connection Between Nutrition & Sustainability

The Connection Between Nutrition & Sustainability

As we continue to uplift ourselves, our communities, and the nation, let’s make time to understand the interconnectedness between nutrition and sustainability. Through resilient informed decision-making, we can find ways to nourish ourselves while also protecting the environment. Read more on how!

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Our Emerson Fellow’s Experience at Common Threads

Our Emerson Fellow’s Experience at Common Threads

I applied for the Bill Emerson National Hunger Fellowship in order to learn how I could enter the anti-hunger field. My interest in this field grew over time as I pursued work in international development, environmental conservation, organic farming, and food systems development. Upon my acceptance into the program, I was thrilled to move across the country to Miami, FL for my field placement with Common Threads! In this blog, I share details about my time with Common Threads, the many projects I focused on, and what I gained from the entire experience.

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How to Set the Best Goals for You in the New Year!

How to Set the Best Goals for You in the New Year!

We are almost to the end of 2022! Soon, it will be time to switch out your calendar and welcome the new year, which means it is the perfect time to evaluate the past year and reflect on any changes you want to make in the coming year. Before you do begin setting your goals, we want to share some tips to help make them more thoughtful, SMART, and right for your needs. Keep reading for guidance on setting goals for the New Year!

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A Celebration of Indigenous Cultural through Food

A Celebration of Indigenous Cultural through Food

In honor of Indigenous Peoples’ Day in October and National Native American Heritage Month in November, Common Threads invited Jenni Lessard, a Canadian-based chef and the Interim Executive Director of the Indigenous Culinary of Associated Nations, to share about her heritage and to conduct a cooking demo with an Indigenous recipe. Chef Lessard is an entrepreneur, consultant, mother and member of the Métis Nation of Saskatchewan, located in Canada.

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Winter is Coming! Tips to stay healthy during the winter months. 

Winter is Coming! Tips to stay healthy during the winter months. 

With the winter season approaching, our food preferences might start to change. You may begin to crave hearty, comforting meals that warm your body from the inside out. The winter months are packed with holidays, family get-togethers, and events centered around food, which may make it seem impossible to stay on track with your health and fitness goals. In this article, we will go over three important tips and tricks to help you stay healthy during the winter months!

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The Connection Between Mental Health and Good Nutrition

The Connection Between Mental Health and Good Nutrition

Did you know that mental health and nutrition are connected? At Common Threads, we acknowledge this fact by focusing our work on nutrition AND overall wellness. After reading this article, you’ll understand why taking care of your body supports your mind, and vice versa. We hope you will gain some insight into how to better care for your overall well-being.

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What is the philosophy of “Food is Medicine”

What is the philosophy of “Food is Medicine”

Food is medicine is a term that is becoming more and more popular. It was a heavy topic at the 2022 White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health, and is becoming a buzzword in the media. But do you know exactly what it means? Dive into to this blog as we discuss exactly what IS “Food is Medicine”.

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Common Threads’ Celebrates National Farm to School Month

Common Threads’ Celebrates National Farm to School Month

October is recognized as Farm to School Month, an opportunity to celebrate the connections and partnerships between students, schools, local food, and farms. Everyday, Farm to School programs across the country are supporting local agriculture, increasing the amount of nutrient rich meals served at schools, and empowering children and families to make healthier food choices. Common Threads was awarded a USDA Farm to School Grant in 2020 and is a proud Farm to School program partner.

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The Importance of Eating Together as a Family

The Importance of Eating Together as a Family

For many, family meals are reserved for special occasions such as holidays or reunions. As everyone balances their daily schedules, it can sometimes be difficult to plan consistent meals with your family. However, setting aside time to spend with your family and share a meal together may be more important than one may think and worth adjusting a schedule for.

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Common Threads Community Top Chef L.A. was a Complete Success

Common Threads Community Top Chef L.A. was a Complete Success

On Monday, August 8, Common Threads hosted a Community Top Chef cooking competition in Los Angeles. Sponsored by Kaiser Permanente, this event celebrated the upcoming launch of Common Threads’ High School Career Exploration pilot program, a collaboration with LAUSD, Susan Miller Dorsey High School, and Chef Sonja Mason.

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Intuitive Eating: What is it and how can you use it.

Intuitive Eating: What is it and how can you use it.

Intuitive Eating! If it’s not a diet, what exactly is it? Intuitive Eating is a mind-body approach to eating created by two dietitians, Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch. It involves listening to your body and responding to its messages to meet your physical and psychological needs.

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The State of Nutrition Education and Misinformation

The State of Nutrition Education and Misinformation

This article reviews the discussions of the American Society of Nutrition’s 2022 Conference. The American Society of Nutrition is a mission-based membership driven organization that strives to advance the science, practice and education of nutrition. This conference was very informative and opened up discourse about nutrition misconceptions and myths that impact public health. Let’s dive into some of the hot topics discussed!

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Common Threads is Launching a New Innovative High School Program

Common Threads is Launching a New Innovative High School Program

Common Threads is launching a new STEM-focused cooking and nutrition program in partnership with Susan Miller Dorsey High School. This innovative pilot program will cohort 20 high school students from the 9th and 10th grades to participate in chef-led cooking classes. These students will then serve as Small Bites facilitators at 5 nearby elementary schools to lead hands-on nutrition education lessons for 150-200 school students.

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Earth Day Celebration: Easy Everyday Changes and Sustainable Practices for you to Adopt to Make a Difference

Earth Day Celebration: Easy Everyday Changes and Sustainable Practices for you to Adopt to Make a Difference

This month we celebrate Earth Day, an annual, worldwide campaign to raise awareness for pressing environmental issues like climate change, recycling, deforestation, pollution and more. While technically only one day a year, Earth Day highlights topics that should be kept top of mind while we go on about our everyday lives. In this blog post, we’re challenging you (and ourselves!) to try implementing the following practices, and let us know what they do for your daily routine

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Feast Your Eyes on Common Threads Hottest Partnership: A Blog Celebration!

Feast Your Eyes on Common Threads Hottest Partnership: A Blog Celebration!

In late 2020, one particular partnership started heating up, opening a spicy new world for Common Threads. The First We Feast team approached Common Threads via email in fall 2020, indicating that the organization was very aligned with First We Feast’s goals for cause marketing. The resulting conversations showed that First We Feast is just as passionate and delighted about food and nutrition as Common Threads is.

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3 Renowned Black Chefs You Should Know About this Black History Month

3 Renowned Black Chefs You Should Know About this Black History Month

Happy Black History Month! Historically recognized in February, this month celebrates Black history and heritage of both the past and the present, including educating people on the often forgotten, veiled experiences and figures who shaped various industries. At Common Threads, we recognize and value the cultural roots in which much of our food is rooted in, with many of our recipes stemming from Caribbean, African and Southern cuisines.

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FoodPrints shares tips for exploring food through five senses, family traditions

FoodPrints shares tips for exploring food through five senses, family traditions

One of Common Threads’ program partners, FRESHFARM FoodPrints, offers programming that creates opportunities for students to learn about different food traditions through their five senses and by building connections with their own cultures and history. In this guest blog, the FoodPrints team shares its approach to educating communities about food (something aligned with Common Threads’ mission) and provides some tips for how families can engage children in positive discussions about food.

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Be Mindful About Food Safety While Cooking

Be Mindful About Food Safety While Cooking

Although the food supply in the United States is one of the safest, bacteria or pathogens may still contaminate some foods we eat, making us ill with foodborne disease, also known as “food poisoning”. Currently, there are around 48 million cases of foodborne illness each year – the equivalent of sickening 1 in 6 Americans, making it essential to be mindful about food safety while cooking.

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How to understand the % Daily Value on the Nutrition Labels

How to understand the % Daily Value on the Nutrition Labels

The Nutrition Facts label on packaged foods and drinks has been updated to make it easier for you to make informed choices. The Daily Values for many nutrients have been updated based on new nutrition research. So, the % Daily Value, or %DV, may be different on some of your favorite foods and beverages.

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Mixing up your Traditions this Holiday Season

Mixing up your Traditions this Holiday Season

The holidays are rooted in culture and tradition, similar to our values here at Common Threads. It is also a time to gather with family and friends, to make cherished memories, eat delicious traditional foods, and bring in the new year with the best intentions.

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Three Easy Ways to Make a Healthier Thanksgiving Meal

Three Easy Ways to Make a Healthier Thanksgiving Meal

Thanksgiving is right around the corner, which means it is time to give thanks and gather with our loved ones! Food is one of the most important traditions during Thanksgiving, with many families selecting dishes like turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing and green beans for their meal. Other families incorporate dishes from their family or cultural heritage for this special occasion.

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Nutrition Equity in South Florida: Virtual Panel Discussion

Nutrition Equity in South Florida: Virtual Panel Discussion

In late October, Common Threads teamed up with local leaders to hold a virtual panel discussion focused on nutrition equity in South Florida. Common Threads Co-Founder and CEO Linda Novick O’Keefe led a discussion with two Miami-Dade County School principals, the CEO of the area’s largest food bank, and three elected officials representing various South Florida communities.

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Supporting School-Based Cooking and Nutrition Education with ESSER Funding

Supporting School-Based Cooking and Nutrition Education with ESSER Funding

To help meet new and emerging needs of school communities during and after the pandemic, historic levels of federal funding for K-12 schools and districts are available through the American Rescue Plan’s ESSER (Elementary & Secondary School Emergency Relief) funds. These dollars can be used to support schools with re-opening, to enhance COVID-19 safety protocols, and to support broad-ranging student services.

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Love, Remembrance & Connection: Learn more about the Dia de los Muertos Celebration and Meaning

Love, Remembrance & Connection: Learn more about the Dia de los Muertos Celebration and Meaning

Dia de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead, is a traditional holiday first practiced thousand of years ago by indigenous people such as the Aztecs and the Toltecs. They didn’t consider death the end of one’s existence but simply another chapter of life. Rather than grieve for their dead, ancient Mexicans celebrated the lives of the deceased and honored their memories. During Dia de los Muertos, observed October 31 – November 2, they believed that the dead had a brief window to leave the spirit realm and visit their loved ones in the mortal world.

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Practicing Mindful Eating

Practicing Mindful Eating

Fall into healthy habits this season by practicing mindful eating. So what is mindful eating? Mindful eating is not a diet, and there are no rules or menus. Mindful eating refers to applying mindfulness techniques to eating.

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Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month

Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month

September 15th-October 15th is Hispanic Heritage Month, and Common Threads wants to acknowledge the impact of Hispanic-Americans on nutrition and education. It is important to note the difference between the terms “Hispanic,” and “Latinx.”

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Switch up your Protein: Facts on Pork

Switch up your Protein: Facts on Pork

It’s easy to get into a rut when it comes to your weekly meals. One easy way to keep things interesting is by switching up your proteins! Red meat has faced some criticism in the media, but in reality, red meat can be a great addition to a nutritious, balanced diet. Below is some insight on the nutritional benefits and cultural relevance of pork, and some recipe ideas.

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Back To School Tips for Parents to have a Healthy School Year

Back To School Tips for Parents to have a Healthy School Year

Eating breakfast daily is important for everyone, especially kids! Eating in the morning after a night’s sleep will provide energy to the brain since the body has been fasting overnight. Evidence supports that eating breakfast in the morning has positive health outcomes in terms of improved satiety and appetite control, weight management, and the reduced risk of chronic disease.

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You Are Not Alone: Picky Eating Strategies for Kids

You Are Not Alone: Picky Eating Strategies for Kids

Picky eating is normal. Yes! It’s normal! It is believed that picky eating, which can get progressively worse from ages 2 to 6, is a normal survival trait that our ancestors benefited from in order to survive. It makes sense. Having fear of trying new foods saved many from being poisoned. Picky eating also occurs because children are exploring their freedom to make their own choices. It is an independence thing.

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Common Threads Welcomes Chef Anita Lo to National Board

Common Threads Welcomes Chef Anita Lo to National Board

Common Threads, a national nonprofit organization that provides cooking and nutrition education to children in under-resourced communities with a focus on cultural diversity, today announced the appointment of Anita Lo, a Michelin star chef, to its national board of directors.

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The Summer Effect: A look into the Impact of Summer Break for Kids

The Summer Effect: A look into the Impact of Summer Break for Kids

Summer is typically a two or three month break for students to relax, recuperate, and make memories with friends and family. Children learn to develop social skills, creativity and friends all during the summertime. But for some families and children, the break can be a more stressful time than the school year itself. Many families struggle to keep their children healthy and occupied during the summer break due to a number of factors.

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Healthy Summer Snack Ideas for Kids Everywhere

Healthy Summer Snack Ideas for Kids Everywhere

Summer time is upon us and keeping kids energized and hydrated for summer can be a lot of work! Having healthy snacks on hand helps keep kids fueled and satisfies hunger in between meals. Snacks also provide additional nutrients kids need for proper development and growth.

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Common Threads stands against hate and antisemitism

Common Threads stands against hate and antisemitism

It’s been very difficult for me to watch the recent outpouring of hate in cities across the world in recent weeks, including acts of antisemitism and airstrikes and brutal violence against Gazan civilians and other civilians in occupied Palestinian territories.

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Connect and Cook with Common Threads During our Summer Health Campaign

Connect and Cook with Common Threads During our Summer Health Campaign

Summer is almost here, and with the warmer weather comes a desire for families to take vacations and enjoy new foods. Unfortunately for many families, summer means loss of reliable access to food and challenges with children experiencing the “summer slide” or loss of academic progress made during the school year.

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Our work is not done: Using George Floyd’s memory to fight for social justice

Our work is not done: Using George Floyd’s memory to fight for social justice

Like many people across our country, we were relieved to see the guilty verdicts in the trial of Derek Chauvin earlier this week. This was an important step in calling for accountability from members of the law enforcement community and seeking justice for George Floyd and the many other Black men, women and children who have been murdered or harmed in incidents motivated by race …

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Explore the Benefits of Plant-based Cooking with Some of our Favorite Recipes

Explore the Benefits of Plant-based Cooking with Some of our Favorite Recipes

Plant-based or plant-forward meals focus on using ingredients that come from plants and limiting or excluding animal products. Plant-based foods include not only fruits and vegetables, but beans, lentils, whole grains, nuts, and seeds. There are many reasons why people choose plant-based meals: health benefits, sustainability, animal welfare, cost, and of course, taste.

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Common Threads adds Dr. Edwin McDonald to national board

Common Threads adds Dr. Edwin McDonald to national board

Common Threads, a national nonprofit organization that provides cooking and nutrition education to children in under-resourced communities, today announced the appointment of Edwin McDonald IV M.D., assistant professor of medicine and associate clinical director of Adult Clinical Nutrition for University of Chicago Medicine, to its national board of directors.

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Celebrating Women’s History Month

Celebrating Women’s History Month

March is Women’s History Month, a time to acknowledge the role of women in history. Women have shaped all industries and especially the culinary, nutrition and health fields. Even a month of celebration falls short of recognizing such immense contributions to the world, but Common Threads wants to commemorate some of the most impactful women in cooking. These inspiring leaders have found their passion in food, and with that, changed the world.

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Common Threads team explores disability awareness with the WOW Center

Common Threads team explores disability awareness with the WOW Center

As part of Common Threads’ ongoing diversity, equity & inclusion programming, the organization held a Know & Grow workshop in December focused on how to best engage with people with developmental disabilities. The session was led by Natalia Wong, executive director of the WOW Center in Miami, a nonprofit that serves over 200 adults with developmental disabilities, offering programs such as music therapy, art, and educational studies.

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A Healthier Twist to Traditional Southern Dishes

A Healthier Twist to Traditional Southern Dishes

We all love a good home cooked meal and the rich savory flavors from Southern cuisine. In celebration of Black History Month, we are exploring the history of some of the South’s most popular foods. Join us as we give them a healthy twist while honoring their origin and tradition.

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Thanksgiving turkeys and goodies for Miami Liberty City families

Thanksgiving turkeys and goodies for Miami Liberty City families

Thanksgiving in 2020 was a paradox in many ways, but a Common Threads dream team came together to prove that when the going gets tough, the tough get going. Common Threads partner The Advisory Committee of Liberty City Youth (TACOLCY) teamed up with Miami-based Holmes Elementary School and Common Threads supporter, Wild Fork Foods, to host a Thanksgiving Turkey Giveaway benefiting Liberty City families and community.

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A Dietitian’s Recipe for Healthy Homemade Flour Tortillas

A Dietitian’s Recipe for Healthy Homemade Flour Tortillas

By Common Threads | Sept 16, 2020 By: Lucette Talamas Lucette Talamas, MS, LDN, registered dietitian with Baptist Health South Florida and a Common Threads Miami board member, shares her recipe for healthy homemade flour tortillas. Stuff these delicious South American...

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James Bell rises from volunteer to Programs team leader

James Bell rises from volunteer to Programs team leader

By Common Threads | Aug 4, 2020 The Common Threads team is made up of dedicated staff who are aligning their personal passions with their professional careers. In this interview, we’re showcasing Associate Director of Programs James Bell’s journey from volunteer to...

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